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Earth Day is the perfect time to pick up a rain barrel, or two!
On Monday, April 22nd, Earth Day will be celebrated around the world!
Earth Day is the perfect time to pick up a rain barrel so that you can start collecting naturally pure rainwater to use in your garden. Here are some of the many advantages of having a rain barrel:
Watered Down
Rainwater can be used for watering plants which will reduce your water bills.
Right As Rain
Your houseplants will thrive as rainwater is naturally soft and chemical-free.
Breathe Easy
Rainwater contains more oxygen than tap water which promotes plant growth.
Don’t Run Off
Rain barrels reduce stormwater runoff which helps prevent erosion and pollution.
Rain Or Shine
Rain barrels provide a sustainable water source during droughts or water restrictions.
If you already have a rain barrel, make sure it’s securely connected to your downspouts, clear of debris and that the overflow drain points away from your foundation.
If you don’t already have a rain barrel, Earth Day is the perfect time to pick one up. That way, you’ll be able to cash in on the April showers!
Whatever you end up doing this Earth Day, here’s hoping you have a world of fun and a barrel of laughs!

Your referrals mean the world to me so if you know of someone in the Grey Bruce area who’s thinking of making a move, please don’t forget to mention my name!

Please don’t hesitate to reach out for detailed stats that are specific to your neighbourhood, or even if you’re just curious about what the place down the road sold for – it’d be great to hear from you!

Perfecting your pillow time can transform your days from blah to bliss.
If all you’re dreaming of is a good night’s sleep, you’re not alone.
Lack of sleep can take a massive toll on our mental and physical health. The following tips will help you get the sleep you need:
It’s a No-Glo
Hide all light sources in your bedroom, no matter how faint, and turn off your phone at least 30 minutes before hitting the hay.
Just Be Cool
Keep the bedroom temperature on the cool side and wear socks to bed to help evenly transfer heat to your extremities.
Like Night & Day
Take in all the sunshine you can during the day as it changes the melatonin levels in your body which helps you to sleep better when darkness falls.
Regular Routine
Your body has an internal clock (circadian rhythm) that thrives on routine so try to go to bed and wake up at the same time each day.
Stay Fit
Exercise during the day can help you sleep better, but avoid working out at night. Instead, ease muscle tension with some light stretches before climbing into bed.
No Worries
Make a to-do list before going to bed so you don’t end up lying there worrying about all of the things you have to do the next day.
Write On
Keep a pen and paper beside your bed in case your mind starts racing so that you can easily flush out all of your thoughts.
Embracing healthy sleep habits is key to enhancing both your physical and emotional well-being.
By following the tips above, you’ll be able to effortlessly transition into sleep every night, waking up in the morning with a new level of energy that will give you a positive and productive mindset. Sweet dreams!

Buying a college crib for your kid could be a great investment opportunity!
It’s an exciting time as your child prepares to pack up and set out on their college journey, but this new chapter also comes with its fair share of financial obligations.
If your child is spreading their wings and leaving the nest to study away from home, accommodation will be a significant expense but this financial challenge can present a unique real estate investment opportunity!
By purchasing a property for your child to live in while attending school, you’re not just securing a roof over their head; you’re opening the door to a financial future with benefits that will extend well beyond graduation.
Here are just a few points to consider when weighing the options of whether or not to buy a crib for your college-bound kid:
Smart Moves
Instead of sinking endless amounts of cash into rent or dorm fees, your monthly payments will go towards building your net worth.
Cover the Costs
Use the rent collected from roommates to help cover the mortgage payments while your child pitches in to take care of general property maintenance.
Life Lessons
Managing a property can teach your kids valuable life skills that will help prepare them for future management situations as well as homeownership.
Expert Advice
Partner with an experienced real estate agent who’s familiar with the area so that they can help you get acquainted with the local market.
Ownership Options
Discuss ownership options with your financial planner and mortgage advisor to determine whether or not it’s best to list your child on the property’s title.
Planning Ahead
Research local vacancy rates and zoning laws to make sure your investment will continue to pay off once your child hangs up their cap and gown.
Investing in student housing by purchasing a property for your child can be a strategic investment opportunity that will provide them with a sense of independence and financial savvy as they transition into adulthood.
If you’d like to explore this opportunity but aren’t sure where to start, I can point you in the right direction by referring you to an out-of-town agent who can guide you through every step. Just reach out – it’d be great to hear from you!

The Bank of Canada continues to hold its policy rate at 5% for the fifth time in a row.
In a scheduled announcement on March 6, 2024, the Bank of Canada decided to maintain its target for the overnight lending rate at 5%. This was its fifth consecutive hold after two interest rate hikes last summer.
With the spring season traditionally seeing increased housing market activity, the Bank of Canada was wary of cutting rates, fearing it could exacerbate housing affordability issues by stimulating demand further.
High interest rates have already put a lot of pressure on households, contributing to a cooling economy as it seeks to align supply and demand.
However, inflation is nearing the Bank’s 2% target, with a notable impact from shelter costs, including mortgage interest and rent prices. While a rate cut could alleviate these expenses, it might also risk overheating the housing market.
Real estate professionals and potential buyers are closely watching for any rate changes, indicating that a decrease could lead to a surge in market activity and prices.
The Bank of Canada’s next scheduled interest rate announcement will be on April 10th.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out for detailed stats that are specific to your neighbourhood, or even if you’re just curious about what the place down the road sold for – it’d be great to hear from you!

Climbing out of debt can feel like an uphill battle if there aren’t any footholds to follow.
Debt management is a topic that’s usually avoided but openly discussing this awkward subject with your loved ones can help them avoid a lifetime of financial woes. Here are a few of the basics:
Budget Crunch
Make a complete list of all fixed expenses such as rent/mortgage, car payments, utilities and groceries. Next, list variable expenses to see what can be reduced or eliminated.
Your Best Interest
Prioritize your debts so you can focus first on paying off high-interest, non-deductible debt such as credit cards and unsecured loans.
Monthly payments can be lowered by consolidating debt through a secured line of credit as the interest rate will usually be much lower.
Double Down
When unexpected money falls your way, put it towards paying down the principal of your debt as it will dramatically reduce the length and expense of your loan.
Reach Out
Getting ahead of debt is key so be proactive and reach out to creditors before things get out of hand as they’ll often be willing to work with you to help make things more manageable.
Discussing debt can be uncomfortable, but doing so can help your loved ones avoid a financial crisis that could devastate their credit rating and prevent them from borrowing money at attractive rates.
Almost everyone feels the credit crunch at some point, but with the proper game plan in place, you can shake off the shackles of debt and pursue a path to financial freedom!

The Bank of Canada holds the policy rate at 5% in its first decision of 2024.
In a scheduled announcement on January 24, 2024, the Bank of Canada decided to maintain its target for the overnight lending rate at 5%. This was its fourth consecutive hold after two interest rate hikes last summer.
The Bank noted that Canada’s economy had performed sluggishly over the second half of 2023 and anticipated no growth over the first quarter of 2024 before picking up in the second half of this year.
The Bank also stated that “spending by governments contributes materially to growth through the year,” suggesting they will be waiting until the federal government tables the next budget before revising their projections.
The Bank once again cited shelter costs as the largest contributing factor to above-target inflation due to rising mortgage interest and rents, which it does not expect to return to its 2% target until next year.
Although many components of the CPI are showing signs of normalizing, with the Bank noting in its Monetary Policy Report that monetary policy is working as intended to slow growth, core measures are still running higher than the Bank’s preferred range.
The Bank is still concerned about risks to the outlook for inflation, particularly underlying core inflation, and would like to see “further and sustained easing” in this regard while it focuses on economic and other inflationary factors.
The Bank of Canada’s next scheduled interest rate announcement will be on March 6, 2024, and will publish its full outlook for the economy and inflation in its next Monetary Policy Report on April 10, 2024.